Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raw 7-27-09

Yesterday i went to Raw and i had a blast.I saw Shaq and he was the greaest host ever. Me and my Parents had a good time watching my first Raw at the Version Center in Washinton D.C. So i going to talk to you guys later bye.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Night of Champions Results

Well tonight I thought my mom & dad wasn't going to buy Night of Champions but now i'm watching it with right now. So here the results

*United States Championship*

Kingston,Jack Swagger,MVP,Primo,Carlito,The Miz

Kofi Kingston is still the United States Champion.

*Unfied Tag Team Championship*

Chris Jericho & Big Show vs Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibase

Chris Jericho and Big Show is still the Unifed tag team Champions

*Women's Championship*

Michelle McCool vs Melina

Michelle McCool is still the Women's Champion.

*WWE Championship*

Orton vs Triple H vs Cena

Orton is still the WWE Champion.

*ECW Championship*

Dreamer vs Christian

Christian is your new ECW Champion.

*Divas Championship*

Marsye vs Mickie James

Mickie James is the new Divas Champions.

*Intercontinental Championship*

Mysterio vs ziggler

Mysterio won the Intercontinental Champion.

*World Heavyweight Championship*

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

Jeff is the new World Heavyweight Champion

If you are going to comment me on my work please go to WWEInsidethering.blogspot.com

Raw 7-27-09

Welcome to WWE Inside the Ring.Today I am going to talk about the WWE 's Universe new host

It's going to be SHAQ from the CLEVELAND CAVALIERS Basketball team!Shaq is the Greastest player in the whole world.Now my favorite Basketball player on the plant so i can't wait to see Shaq on the spot.I'll talk to you guys later.