Sunday, July 26, 2009

Night of Champions Results

Well tonight I thought my mom & dad wasn't going to buy Night of Champions but now i'm watching it with right now. So here the results

*United States Championship*

Kingston,Jack Swagger,MVP,Primo,Carlito,The Miz

Kofi Kingston is still the United States Champion.

*Unfied Tag Team Championship*

Chris Jericho & Big Show vs Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibase

Chris Jericho and Big Show is still the Unifed tag team Champions

*Women's Championship*

Michelle McCool vs Melina

Michelle McCool is still the Women's Champion.

*WWE Championship*

Orton vs Triple H vs Cena

Orton is still the WWE Champion.

*ECW Championship*

Dreamer vs Christian

Christian is your new ECW Champion.

*Divas Championship*

Marsye vs Mickie James

Mickie James is the new Divas Champions.

*Intercontinental Championship*

Mysterio vs ziggler

Mysterio won the Intercontinental Champion.

*World Heavyweight Championship*

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

Jeff is the new World Heavyweight Champion

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