Saturday, July 25, 2009

Night of Champions 2009 Predictions

Tomorrow night is the Night of Champions and here are my predicitions.

*WWE Championship*

Randy Orton vs. Triple H vs. John Cena

I think Triple H is going to win the wwe championship for the 14 time.

*World Heavyweight Championship*

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy
I think Jeff hardy is going to win the world heavyweight championship.
*Intercontinental Championship*
Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler
I think Rey Mysterio is going to win .
*United States Championship*
Kofi Kingston,Big Show,MVP,Carlito,Jack Swagger and The Miz
I think MVP is going to win.
*Women's Championship*
Michelle McCool vs Melina Perez
I think Melina is going to win
*ECW Championship*
Tommy Dreamer vs Christian
I think Dreamer is going to win.
*Unifed Tag Team Championship*
Chris jericho and a Mystery Patner vs Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase
I think Chris Jericho and the mystery patner are going to win.
*Divas Championship*
Maryse vs Mickie James
I think Mickie James is going win.
Well that is all the matches so if you see Night of Champions please post and let me know who you think is going to win.

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